
Monday 14 November 2016

The NAKED WOLVES Mangalore


The group of bikers formed by the Mr. Arjun Shankar from Bangalore with an intention of riding together and sharing the similar interest. So it went on by making names in cities like Mangalore, Pune, Delhi and internationally to the places like Indonesia, Malaysia many more places, it’s been growing since it has started and it will keep on growing as more and more people will come to know about it and they wish to join this huge family of brothers. All you need is a bike with proper riding gears with good knowledge of rules and regulations.

2] Naked Wolves Mangalore

It’s the one to which I was introduced and from then I never turned back. The group is formed by four members from the same batch of an engineering college, having similar ideas of biking and touring on bikes they thought of forming the group. It has completed the 3rd anniversary with the growing number of bikes along with bikers from different age groups and places. We do regular meet up’s on Sunday and some long rides once in a while. It depends on everybody’s schedule and availability for that day and timing is set on that basis and expecting maximum participation as we can have more and more people riding with proper safety and knowledge of traffic rules.

3] Things that we do

Apart from riding to different places and hanging out on Sundays, we also do awareness programs regarding the rules and safety to be taken into account while riding on the roads. Programs like Helmet awareness, road safety rides, donation for floods and many more things. As we all follow the traffic rules with respect. We believe in a safe and secure ride. The special rides on the helmet for safety in association with traffic police to increase the safety and awareness of people.

4] Why NW? Why biking?

It’s all about passion for riding, the need to get on the bike and wring that throttle, the need to feel the fresh air on the face. There are thousands of reasons to do these things as it may differ from people to people. Once we get into this thing it’s too difficult to let it go as we start doing rides and see others doing tours which keep us inspiring to do more and explore many new places and their beauties. Naked Wolves is amazing and it is fun to be part of it.

5] Finally

If you have the above-mentioned interest on bikes and travelling, do get in touch with more info on their Facebook page named Naked Wolves. It would be great to meet the members and go for ride and tours. Also, the group does all kind of social services to help others. Being a member of this group gives me immense pleasure to ride with others and share my similar views and also be looking forward to more tours and trips to add them in my good memories.

Written by Rajeev.K (austinrajiv)
I am a simple person with interest in riding bikes (with protective gears), music (rap & metal), writing (about things that i experience), photography, fitness, food (vegetarian), that's all !!  live and let live.

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