
Monday, 6 March 2017

8 Most Unusual Theme Park Rides and Attractions

1. X-Scream

X-Scream is the world's third highest amusement ride, at a height of 866 feet, located in Las Vegas. This ride takes advantage of a built environment to create new thrills. Ride uses a relatively low-tech magnetic braking system as the ride rolls forward, the blade slips in between a row of magnets before hitting a rubber bumper that brings it to a standstill. As the ride is tilted backwards, the blade slips out and heads toward an identical row of magnets at the other end.

2. SkyRoller

pic courtesy: Theme Park Review
The rotation of the seat in Skyroller is controlled with wings attached at the side. The ride can be scenic or thrilling- however, each passenger decides to fly. The concern often is subjecting riders to high-G's for a sustained period. In the comfortable shawl seats, each passenger can enjoy his individual, interactive ride with freely dangling feet.

3. Drop Tower

pic courtesy: parks & rides
A drop tower or big drop is a ride that incorporates a central structure called the tower. This ride has variety in height, passenger capacity, lift-type, and brake-type. Many are custom-made, although there are some mass-produced designs. Riders experience free-fall initially, followed by rapid heavy deceleration.

4. Flying Fury

pic courtesy: technicalpark
This is one of the most amusing rides. It has a T column and 2 arms. Autopilot or interactive settings decide the speed of arms highest 15 rpm and lowest 7 rpm. Both arms can rotate 360° independently. This ride represents an innovative live flight simulator giving passengers experiences that are not common.

5. The Zipper

pic courtesy: Theme Park Review
It is popular at carnivals and amusement parks in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Zipper has a long, rotating, oval boom with a cable around its edge that pulls 12 cars around the ride. Something that makes it more adventurous is the strong vertical G-forces, numerous spins, and unpredictability.

6. Shweeb

pic courtesy: Agroventures
Shweeb has special properties of monorail and recumbent cycle technologies. The hard wheels on the smooth track reduce rolling resistance, so you can click through the seven gears and get up to your top speed with very little effort. This ride is eco-friendly and can be powered in less than a minute.

7. SpinDizzy

pic courtesy: Pinterest
Diggerland is a UK - based chain of theme parks that transforms used construction equipment into rides. Dump trucks, loaders and excavators are among the types of equipment that visitors at DiggerLand can expect to ride and operate. The SpinDizzy is a modified JCB excavator, where the bucket has been retrofitted to sit eight passengers. Riders swing up and down while spinning in circles.

8. Giant Discovery

pic courtesy: bestonrides
Giant Discovery 40 swings riders back and forth in a seemingly out-of-control pendulum motion while rotating counterclockwise. At the peak of the pendulum movement that reaches a maximum speed of 110 km/h (68 mph), riders are upside down 44.8 meters/147 feet above the ground and experience an airtime that coveted feeling of weightlessness that is popular for thrill-seekers on roller coasters.

Written by Pragati Jain
Grew up in Indore, M.P. I am pursuing B.E. in Electronics and Communication from Medi-Caps Indore. I love writing, sports and playing piano.

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