
Tuesday, 28 June 2016

5 Cool & Easy DIY Projects to Work on this Summer

Summer vacations are either meant for lots of travelling or lots of rest and free time. For people who choose to stay put and rest, a lot of free time can become tedious and boring. Stepping out of the house is out of the question since it is too hot. DIY projects and crafts come to rescue at this moment. After all as Picasso has said, “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” The following projects are easy to make and purposeful. They're fun to work on alone or with a group of friends.

1. Terrariums

How cool would it be to own a plant and a decorative item with a few essential things like a fancy glass container, few pebbles, soil and a plant? Terrariums have become a trend all over the world and apparently you can create your own in your own style. Your tiny ecosystem is low maintenance and does not require a lot of taking care of. You can make both sealed and unsealed terrariums, and refresh your home decor with some greenery.

Check out the instructions here: Inhabitat

2. DIY Lanterns

Light up your summer nights with beautiful lanterns that can be made from as simple as a glass jar kept at your home to waste tin cans. The internet is filled with abundant ideas to make your own lantern in a variety of types, shapes and sizes. Be it a glittery lantern or a magical fairy lantern or just a lantern throwing splashes of colors around, you can create them all with ease.

Check out this link on how to make a fairy jar lantern: Buzzfeed

3. Paper Quilling Accessories

Most paper crafts remain a mere showpiece or a memorabilia all their life but paper quilling will help you create more than just a piece of art. It will enable you to create a piece of art you can wear. That's right! You can make your own jewelry (that will last for a long time than you think) with just PAPER! How awesome is that? It is also a fun way to create 3D art. You might need a bit of a practice but paper quilling is extremely interesting and engaging. Just order a kit online and get started.

4. DIY Tiny Shelf

If you have such wooden boxes or crates lying around somewhere in the back of your house or storeroom, you make these cute tiny shelves to create storage space and give the room a nice creative touch. Most DIY projects require not careful but steady designing or handy work, but this project can be mastered by even the scruffy ones. You can either do a quick fix up job or extensively renovate the whole box as per your wish. For people who would like to try their hand at carpentering can also take up this project and have fun with it and simultaneously create something both productive and artistic.

5. Paint a Wall

If you're feeling too adventurous and don't want to limit yourself to doing something small-scale, you can PAINT A WALL! Though unconventional in India, it is exceedingly fun and most enjoyable when done in pairs or groups. With a varied selection of paint, paintbrushes/roller, stencils, and sticker art, it is now possible to turn your room into a vision of your dreams yourself. Painting a wall can take up a lot of your time but the end result will leave you delighted and satisfied. It requires a lot of energy with all the painting and cleaning but it is undoubtedly a worthwhile art project to do in Summers.

For all the know-how check out: Diynetwork

Written by Sanya K. Aitwani
Complicated thinker with a creative streak and perceptive outlook.

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