
Monday, 14 November 2016

How To Make The Best Out Of Your College Life

Excited to go to college? You should be as it is a whole new chapter of your life that will create a brand new phase. A college teaches you a lot of things in terms of your goals, objectives in life, relationship factor and so much else. You will get to make some lifelong friends, fall in love or maybe lust and to take an important step in the ladder of your future.

A college life is as scary as interesting it sounds. It’s up to you what you want to make of it and how to make something out of it. Here are some tips that will help you being you in the almost alien world of cool people while making the best out of your college life:

Dress Stylish Yet Comfortable

This is something we hear and read about everywhere but it can never be enough. It’s a fact. Add style to your wardrobe, not too much as simplicity with diversity gives you elegance. Being comfortable is very important as if you aren’t comfy in what you are adorning, you will get agitated which can always be seen and ultimately ruins everything.

Take Initiative

The key to excel and to have a niche for yourself is to take the first step into things. Motivate and inspire yourself to try out things for the first time and taking an initiative to make things happen.

Take Part In Activities

It is imperative that you take part in various co-curricular activities in your college, be it fests, competitions or anything for that matter. It would boost your confidence and help you in making friends. This will add feathers in your cap while further helping you in your career by showcasing your varied talents.

Indulge In Your Hobbies

In college, you have time in your hands that you can take full advantage of. It is the right time to give in to your hobbies which you have been avoiding or couldn’t get the time for. It will provide you with self-awareness as well as hone your other talents, of which you can make further use in the future by making it a career or you can just enjoy it.

Do an Internship

College life is a lot about having fun but not all of it. Make good use of it by taking internships during your vacations to better understand your interests and your affinity towards them. It will provide you with a real life experience and a trial and error approach to best gauge your likings and expectations. It will provide you with an added benefit of a professional working certificate.

Be Yourself

The most important mantra in not only for your college journey but your whole life is to be yourself. Don’t try to be anyone else or to imitate someone. You just be true to your own self as it is your USP. You are the only one of your type in this whole world and there’s no one like you, make it your strongest point and rock the world with your distinct specialness.

Be anxious but don’t be afraid. Enjoy your college life to its fullest and make some unforgettable moments to remember a lifetime.

Written by Anjali Tyagi
I am a hardcore reader and a story weaver with an affinity for words and to rhyme.

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