
Monday, 14 November 2016

Road Safety: Traffic rules in India!

Traffic rules are made to ensure our safety and proper vehicle movement on the roads which can be helpful with the proper knowledge of all the rules and follow them. There are different types of board signs and hand signals used to alert or communicate the surrounding vehicles for a safe driving.

Most of the people in India don’t even know that there are so called rules and signs which exists and which we should have the knowledge of them before taking the tests of license, which should be thoroughly checked by the inspecting officers to ensure that the person knows all the things and fit to be licensed. But most of the officers don’t care as people are not bothered to have a knowledge of them. You can only expect the person to follow the rules if he/she has knowledge of it.

Why is no one interested in following it?

As people follow one another, if one person breaks the red light and rest of them will follow him by doing so they will disturb the ongoing traffic and also may cause some serious accidents leading to more traffic disturbance. Even the persons who are appointed to ensure that people follow these rules are not doing their jobs properly at certain places. By their negligence and also people's impatient behaviour leads to breaking of simple rules and causing disturbance to the traffic.

Why should we follow these rules?

Rules are meant to be broken” yeah! But not in this case as it will cause serious problems to the one who’s breaking it and also to another person. These rules are made to ensure our safety, by breaking these rules we are producing ourselves to unnamed dangers. What will happen if we stop at a red light for a minute?, ask yourself this question before breaking the red light or U-turn and causing the problem to other people. We can do this small contribution towards the nation and by following rules we are ensuring our own safety along with others.

What can be done?

First thing is to standardize the process of licensing by including written test’s and test’s on all the hand signals, by this each and every person will be having knowledge of the required rules and regulations before getting licensed. Also, a short-term renewal of the license should be done so that people can be kept in well-conditioned. Also, proper use of all the sign boards in proper place with big and bright colours so that everybody can see and be aware of it whether it may be day or night.


It is our responsibility to respect the rules and regulations of the traffic by following them and make other to follow the rules. By doing so each and every person will drive/ride without any difficulty or causing any problem. Also having proper knowledge of all the rules and safety signs are important in order to follow these. If you are following the rules without any hesitation by watching you others will also start to follow, which is a good sign as everybody are ensuring their own safety.

Written by Rajeev.K (austinrajiv)
I am a simple person with interest in riding bikes (with protective gears), music (rap & metal), writing (about things that i experience), photography, fitness, food (vegetarian), that's all !!  live and let live.

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