Driving at night is a difficult task whether it's a two-wheeler or four-wheeler, they have their own risks and guidelines to follow. Let’s discuss some of those guidelines which we can follow and make our and others life a little bit easier.
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1. Headlights
Without these, there won’t be any night driving (except for some special ones who drive). Headlights have two modes which are high-beam and low-beam. These both serve a different purpose, as the low beam is for shorter lengths and high beam is for longer and broader view. While driving if there are vehicles in front of us we should use the low beam as the high beam will hit their rear view mirrors of that vehicle which will reflect into their eyes and cause problems for them.
pic courtesy: SellAnyCar |
Same applies to the one who is coming from the opposite direction. The headlights power increases as the size of the vehicle increase, also some of those modified lights can be too harsh on the smaller vehicles. Hence
it is always advised to drive the vehicles in low-beam so that it won’t cause difficulty to other vehicles as the same problem may be waiting for you.
2. Rear-view Mirrors
During night time these won’t be as much as useful as they are during daytime due to the use of headlights. Also if the vehicle behind is using high beam, then it will be reflecting and hitting our eyes.
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To avoid this just
tilt the mirrors a step down so that the lights won’t hit your eyes directly and also you can see the vehicles behind you without any problems. But doing so you have to adjust these things daily as per the day and night driving, which may be a problem for some.
3. No Horns
During the night driving our
horns are replaced by headlights and they are more interactive than the horns. But most people don’t know this and still honk and scare the rest of them.
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Use of headlights is most effective as they are powerful and they directly reach to the front vehicle and the person can react (only if he knows about it) or else anyhow you have to honk and get the work done.
4. Minimum Safe Distance
This applies for both night and day driving and is issued by the
RTO (Regional Transport Office) that we have to follow. Following the
Two-second rule is very important to maintain safe following distance which gives you time to react to the emergency situation which may come at any time without any notice.
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Most people don’t follow it, they may have their own reasons or else the person behind them will occupy that place and cause problems for them. So maintaining the minimum safe distance so that we can have time for reaction is wiser for us and the others too.
These small things matter during night driving, especially for the smaller vehicles. Taking such steps can help you and the others to create safer roads and not to mention that
Never Drink And Drive. We all need to reach home safely to our loved ones who are waiting for us. Drive safe!
Written by Rajeev.K (austinrajiv)
I am a simple person with interest in riding bikes (with protective gears), music (rap & metal), writing (about things that i experience), photography, fitness, food (vegetarian), that's all !! live and let live.