
Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Getting back to Mother Nature, Welcome to Kissanpur and enjoy #RealTogetherness

In this fast paced world of technology advancements, everything seems to be connected so easily. Slashed rates of voice calls and internet plans have enabled a faster communication between people. But in this never ending fray, we are sometimes ignoring the very basics of Nature and Human life/emotions which lie in the simplistic ways of life and bring out the real togetherness.

I recently came across a TVC on Youtube from Kissan which depicts the entire scenario stated above with live examples that everyone can relate to.

It truly depicts various cases where although we are digitally connected everywhere we have started lacking the very essence of personal relations with people who are around us. But then how a small initiative driven by the tomato seeds eventually helps in connecting all the people of society. One of the most important emotions shown here is the curiosity of children seeing the tomato plant grow and their happiness when finally tomatoes are reaping on the plant.

Well I am in my late 20’s and watching the children in my society who are so  much addicted towards technology and are hardly inclined towards nature or physical games worries me as it would hamper their physical and mental growth. Also too much addiction to indoor games or technology at such a tender age can also have serious repercussions on their health.

It is indeed a very brave effort from Kissan to justify the love for Nature and its happiness through such a simple and realistic story. It is an initiative which can be read and understood clearly at their official website and how everyone can be a part of this noble and fun-filled initiative.

The caps of the Kissan bottles come with Tomato seeds and can also act as a small pot. Kissan is motivating individuals and housing societies to register on the above mentioned website and grow tomato plants with their loved ones, also the top 100 growers would be featured on the bottles of Kissan bottles. They have made this unique process very inspiring, engaging and interesting for everyone who wants to be involved with it. Also in this process of planting plants, you can actually give your children one of the best lessons of their lives as it will teach them everything from passion, perseverance, patience and finally reaping the benefits of all their efforts in the form of tomatoes.

Well all I can say that this is one of the most innovative and noble initiatives seen in the recent times. Kissan has demonstrated splendid ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ by a being a leader in their segment. Now it is our turn to give back to the Mother Nature by planting more tomato plants in our homes and neighborhood with our small kids/neighbors and increase the feeling of belonging and happiness among ourselves.

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