
Monday, 10 October 2016

How to imbibe Noble Qualities?

Everyone wishes for success, peace, happiness in their lives, and that could appear as a very difficult task to carry out, but I don’t think it’s difficult to achieve them because you see each one us have the potential to do so, the only thing which restricts is that many of us fail to identify our own capabilities. Each individual has an infinite number of capabilities and incredible potential to make one's life blissful. There are the smarter ones who realize their potential well ahead of time, but still we find misery, affliction, distress and discontent in the universe. Here are few qualities which might help actualizing sublime ideals in our lives.

#. More work and no pain:

Usually most of us are worried and nervous while doing their jobs. The reason behind this would be either: anxiety about the result or fear of criticism and comments. One needs to aim at giving up on these two, then automatically we will be able to work without any stress and strain. As a wise saying “It is not the work that kills you, but worry”.

The secret behind a good work is to work without being worried. On an average, we could do a lot of work only if we know how to be calm and poised. Now there arises the question: Shouldn’t one be concerned of the result? The answer is: To work without worrying doesn’t mean that one should not be thoughtful and attentive. Of course, work performed methodically with detailed attention is going to be highly effective and will strengthen ones will power. Yes! We must have all the attention, but not the tension. Because anxieties, worries and tensions are only going to suck our energies.

#. Morality:

Morality often connotes the code of conduct by practicing which men can live like men! Thoughtful and noble people alone can discern the need of morality in uplifting a society.  

One need to understand the intricacies of morality and gradually carry out the convictions to raise the personality above ordinary standards. It will also help us develop invincible self-confidence, confers grace, peace of mind and integrity to ones personality.

#. Shaping destiny:

A well-known proverb is what I would like to state here “Every man is the architect of his own future”. One must constantly consider such powerful and invigorating thoughts in mind to build a great personality. What we shall be tomorrow strongly depends on what we think, speak and do today. 

Our thoughts, words, and deeds must be well-trained and well-trained in order to achieve your objective. If we look around we come across at least a few successful persons in various spheres of human activity. What cold be the secret of their success? Right thinking, right speech and right actions! By all means, one must cultivate these habits to work systematically. 

Showing hands on the roadside palmist is not going to work, only if we are using our hands and heads in a thoughtful manner could help to enlighten the future, because the best way to predict future is to create it.

#. Virtue

A good old saying: “Virtue is its own reward”, an apt proverb to practice it. Establishing this is going to radiate an aura calm and composed behavior. There are millions of forces to boost anger in people and only if you know how to react wisely is the true gentleman’s spirit. We have to be bravest to get the blow won our head and not to react because getting angry is very easy. Thus virtue is going to give you mental tranquillity, ineffable inner joy, and tremendous self-confidence.

Written by Aditi Warnoolkar
Engineer | Avid blogger & writer who believes in penning down her thoughts | Poetry fanatic | Canophilist | Dreamer

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