
Thursday, 10 November 2016

Currency Exchanging or Attitude Changing?

“Our motives show our attitudes and, our attitudes lead to our own fate…”

The honorable Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi’s instant and dramatic decision regarding the withdrawal of high-denomination notes in the midnight of Tuesday, 8th Nov, 2016 has left a deep impact in the mind of the people. Such a stern decision definitely needs lot of guts especially when it is to be taken by a representative of people’s voice in a vast democratic country like India.

I would not like to offer any personal argument or view point here, but I will definitely try to keep this burning topic in the periphery of this write up. It is of no doubt that since the midnight of Tuesday (8th Nov) this issue has become a relishing one for people who are interested more in argument and debate. It will indeed be. But, there are people who started pondering to make different ways to tackle the problem of exchanging their Rs.500 and 1000 notes since the very next moment of receiving the information. It is not a fact to be criticized. All common people, including me, started their own small mission (exchanging and getting currency notes other than Rs 500 & 1000).

Exchanging those Rs 500 & 1000 notes has become one of the gravest problems (in Indian economy) in the current year (at least for these days). My concern is regarding various expected problems which were to spurt out from such a dramatic decision by the respected government.

Though, the middle class people were expected to be hit hard from this decision, but only countable numbers of citizens were/ are concerned with the problems of the lower class population. Most of the middle class people of the country (including me) are well-connected with the social media, like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc. So, we were some of the most panic people (after getting the news suddenly). However, one of the frequent reactions was making and sharing a number of jokes and funny photos in WhatsApp.

The decision of declaring such a judgement was really stunning (for some), and critic-worthy (for others). But, most of the economically poor people (especially daily wage laborers, small vendors, and small shopkeepers) were ignorant about the news, and hence, they were unaware of the conditions which were to be faced in the subsequent days. Smart people (not in all places) started exchanging their respective notes (RS.500 and 1000) with such small-budgeted business persons. They might have readily exchanged those notes according to their convenience as they do it regularly. Few of us took the advantage of their ignorance; few of us did not let them know regarding the last night’s big-breaking news. I have no issues regarding the exchanging of notes. There is no point to be upset or dissatisfied. But the matter is that only few of our conscious citizens took few minutes to ponder about the situation which those people (shopkeepers, small vendors, daily wage laborers) were going to face in the next two days.

Many of our people do not like to share the news for the sake of their own interest. This kind of concern may sound a bit ridiculous for few, a bit filmy for others, or having political influence, but this is a fact as well as a matter of concern for some others.Some may say, or think this type of matter is very casual and not worthy of pondering, or too minute and trivial to spend our precious time. But, big change comes from small collective effort. If we seek for transformation in our society, we must think from different perspectives. And I think this kind of thinking is not much complicated or hard to implement.The matter is not only about implementing such a law, or judgement, or decision. But, the matter is about our attitude, our motives, and our humane instinct.

This article may look worthy of nothing for many of the citizens of this largest democracy, but my motive is to put an emphasis on intensifying our thinking, attitude. As mentioned above, this article is not about judging the decision taken by the Government, nor is it about criticizing anyone. But, I personally think people should think for others just in the name of humanity before doing something. I am sure majority of the population desire to live in a luxurious and civilized society. So we must let ourselves to be civilized. Everything is in our hand. We must think the other way, because, perhaps such kind of minute thinking may contribute a lot in making a civilized society.

Written by Dhiraj Medhi
A Masters student in Linguistics and Endangered Languages, Dhiraj is fond of writing, singing and playing instruments. He wishes to create a positive atmosphere in the society through this writings and music.

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