
Monday, 30 January 2017

Here's what beholds you from taking a step further

Fear of failure, anxieties, the never-ending fight of comparisons and antagonism with oneself and above all the thoughts on 'what ifs' and rest of the negativities are something which drives us back persistently.

One must certainly know what he/she must achieve in this one life of theirs which they get to live in. Your fears of not accepting the change and not adapting to it or rather not attempting to take a step forward to work on it holds you back from doing whatever you want to accomplish, eh? Just because you think it might not be as easy as said or thought or dreamt of. But life is a series in which you get nothing free of cost, of course, you need to pay to earn.

So you won't attempt any thought which makes you change the way of life, why? Because you are already used to the way things have been going on with you. Good or Bad. Happy or sad. None make any difference. But you have to face the portents and calamities coming in your way if you know of that one thing which you want to achieve.

The two kinds of people:

There are people who just want to dream and get the feel of how surreal things are and then there are those who want to realise and reiterate the dream and make them happen in real life.

The former are ones, who just go through life wanting to do so but never attempt because of the fear of failure. But life wouldn't be life if you don't take risks. Do the hard work without having any thoughts on failure and success. This way you would be less worried about the outcome and concentrate more on your doing. To you, you know well that sometimes there's no way that you can hold back the flowing river. So, when you know that you have all the passion for owning it and make your dreams come true, go ahead and take the step, because you know when you can dream it, you can certainly do it.

While the latter are ones who know exactly what growing through life means and that is what makes them fearlessly passionate to fight against all the odds coming in their way. One must subtly have faith in themselves to achieve something and that is what makes them different than many of us.

Don't be tethered within your limits, but break the shackles and walk towards your dreams and make them happen. Radiate your own energy and prevail through life to shine on!

Written by Aditi Warnoolkar
Engineer | Avid blogger & writer who believes in penning down her thoughts | Poetry fanatic | Canophilist | Dreamer

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