
Friday, 27 January 2017

Making an Impression: Do's And Don’ts at Your First Job

The first job is what teaches the most things about life and how people really are when it comes to the job. There are many things which you will learn, let it be about the workplace, or job, or yourself. It depends on you how you take it and make use of it.  Here are some do's and don’ts for all the newbies and the ones who have started their first job.

As a newbie, you will be watched from all directions, even the smallest things you do. Because all they need is your single weakness to control you, which you shouldn’t be giving up so easily.


1. Disrespecting

Whoever it may be, don’t ever disrespect anyone at your workplace as it may be harm for yourself in some or the other way. Respecting others at your workplace is the first thing to do as a newbie, it helps in bonding with your seniors and also maintaining those professional manners.

2. Talking behind the back

Another most deadly thing to do is what you say about someone may end up at their feet only with added flavours. Hence be alert when you speak about whom you speak and what you speak about them. So think before you open your mouth, also keep your ears open as someone may speak about you.

3. Not doing the assigned work

You are here to work not to spend time or not in any kind of vacation, so be more concentrated about the work you have been assigned and perform it with at most dedication and finish it in time. The only thing that you are here to do is work and move forward with your life with good positions and names.


1. Be punctual

Let it be coming to office and leaving from office or doing the given work to you on time is most important. Being punctual is one of the keys to success at your workplace and also in life. Being on time or before time won’t do any bad things for you so for the first few days be on time and finish the work on time.

2. You are here to learn

Let it be about work or about yourself or about life, try to work as you would expect from others and keep in mind that you are here to learn and move forward. You will be able to learn one or the other thing from each and every one. It is up to you what things you learn from them.

3. You’re not in school/college

You can’t bunk the office like to you used to do with classes as here you will have to pay for that, similarly, there are many things which you cannot continue to do at your workplace. Be serious about the work and here there is no time to spend and every second here counts. Let it be in the way of money or making yourself better.

Written by Rajeev.K (austinrajiv)
I am a simple person with interest in riding bikes (with protective gears), music (rap & metal), writing (about things that i experience), photography, fitness, food (vegetarian), that's all !!  live and let live.

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