
Monday, 27 February 2017

Top Quotes From Whiskey Lovers Around The World

For the beginners who have been drinking Whiskey without having any knowledge about it, Whiskey is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from fermented grain mash. These grains include barley, wheat, corn, and rye depending on the respective variety, and are generally aged in wooden casks made of white oak. Also, Whiskey is known to be one of the most prominent alcoholic beverages in the history of human civilization and has been an integral part of the Elite Men's culture. If you want to understand it in simple terms, Whiskey is what differentiates Men from Boys!!!

Great conversations happen if accompanied by a smooth and classy Whiskey, and one's undying love for Whiskey can be understood by another Whisky lover only. Here are some of the amazing and tempting quotes about Whiskey which would tempt you to know more about it:

“Tell me what brand of whiskey that Grant drinks. I would like to send a barrel of it to my other generals.”

- Abraham Lincoln (16th US President)

Although it is a general notion that,'' You are what you eat". For the Successful Men who have created a niche for themselves, "Your class is defined by what you drink".

“A good gulp of hot whiskey at bedtime -it’s not very scientific, but it helps.”

- Alexander Fleming (Scottish, Inventor of Penicillin)

Not every good thing under the sky can be justified by science. To enjoy the best experiences of life. you need a higher EQ than IQ.

“Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whiskey is barely enough.”

- Mark Twain (Renowned American Humorist)

Well, this is something that every exclusive drinker would relate to. Good whiskey can actually re-energize you both physically and mentally, and a perfect partner to magnify the joy of good times in your life. Needless to say, it has to be occasional.

“Whiskey, like a beautiful woman, demands appreciation. You gaze first, then it’s time to drink.”

- Haruki Murakami (Japanese Bestselling Author)

All the beautiful women out there would relate to it. No joy is greater than gazing at a beautiful creation before getting your hands on it. It is definitely #WorthAShot

“Whiskey is liquid sunshine."

- George Bernard Shaw (Irish Playwright, Pygmalion)

When it comes to Whiskey, the Smell, Colour and the Taste play an equally important role. The golden brown color of the exclusive Whiskey's like Golfer’s Shot can make it one of the most desirable experiences on this planet. It is #SimplyWellMade

So the next time, you decide a Whiskey brand for yourself, make sure that you make the correct choice.

Written by Rohit Jha

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