
Wednesday 30 November 2016

3 Authors’ Books That You Should/Need to Read

First things first, this article is for people who like to read something light but deep too, funny but meaningful too, and romance and real life but fantasy too. So, all my dear fellow hardcore readers and not so that hardcore readers, here I am talking about authors and books that are not your classic or very popular (or maybe they are, at least to me) and it’s also not too deep stuff. So, let’s embark on the journey Caution is already given.

I like to read books of all kinds, I don’t differentiate, you see. I believe every story has something to teach us, it’s on us if we want to or not to get something out of it. There are a lot of authors and books I just simply love but here I am presenting those that came to my mind very first. So, take a look at my some of the favourite authors from a very long list of them.

Amy Harmon

She is an indie author. She is just amazing in her writing, which is riveting, gripping and something astonishing.

She has written Running Barefoot, Making Faces, The Bird and the Sword, The song of David, The Law of Moses, A different Blue and Prom Night in Purgatory among some more.

Every single novel brings something diverse, amazing and deep that just keep you in its grasp. Even when I have thought that I won’t like this type of genre, I have enjoyed it and loved it. She has done it again and again and ever time has given a story that is unexplainably beautiful and touching.

Colleen Hoover

She is one of another remarkable author that just keeps giving more and more outstanding stories, that grasp you in its claws, sink them into your skin and then you just can’t get out of them as you are already in another world.

Whether it is Maybe Someday, Slammed, Hopeless, Confess, Ugly Love or It ends with us, she has nailed it. Every single emotion with different sort of deep and touching topics, which you can't do anything with but love.

Do yourself a favour and read it. You won’t be disappointed, trust me!

TJ Klune

He is an epitome of literal amazingness. His stories are inspiring, beautiful, and extremely funny and extraordinarily heartwarming.

Bear, otter and the kid, The lightning struck Heart, Withered + Sere, Tell me It’s Real, Wolfsong and Into this river I drown are among many other just as capturing and soulful reads with some verbose-ly funny monologues of protagonists. It will just end up leaving a smile on your face and a pinch in your heart.

(FYI, If you are a homophobe, look out for something else, as here are curves, no straights (pun intended)).

So, these are just three of my way longer list of favourites. Give them a read and trust me, you will just love it (well, I did).

Written by Anjali Tyagi
I am a hardcore reader and a story weaver with an affinity for words and to rhyme.

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