
Thursday 3 November 2016

Can Blogging Be Taken Up As A Full-Time Profession?

The often replies to 'What do you do?' or 'What is your profession?' question is the commonly heard answers such as a doctor, an engineer, a designer, an actor, and the list goes on. But it is rare when one hears 'blogging' as the answer. And whenever it is heard, brows are raised as it is not considered as a profession. Infact, many people do not even know that it is a serious profession which can we pursued especially in India. But this is something one must know that blogging or vlogging is also a full-time profession if one chooses to pursue.

While the world is getting digitized, the professionals at it are not taking the  back seats. For people who do not know what blogging is, it is a profession which uses digital platforms as a medium, where one shares information about the respected category one is blogging with, on social media platforms. For people who think that the work of the blogger is easy, then let’s spare a moment to clear that being a blogger at a  time is more hectic as the blogger always have to be active and update the followers about almost everything. Unlike a regular 9-5 job where one has to work for specific hours, blogging requires time devotion if one plans to be a full-time blogger. And one does not even get a day off like the regular jobs.

Blogging is like a stream which has many categories and people blog about their respective interests or expertise. One can be a travel blogger, a fashion blogger, a beauty blogger, a business blogger, a food blogger, a review blogger, and the list goes on. One can also be a fusion of 2-3 genres.
It all depends on the content and creativity one holds and how dedicated the followers are towards your blog.

A professional blogger deals with almost similar tasks that a company's employee would deal with.
Successful bloggers work with brands, endorse products or even company at times, hold events on the behalf of specific companies. They act more like an influencer to the audience.
And this also provides monetary benefits, as mentioned prior, it all depends on the number of your followers and readership.

Consider it as a boon or bane, that a blogger has to directly/indirectly share almost everything about his/her life in a social media. And hundreds of people out there to give their opinions and judgments which are at times dark. But like everything, this too is a negative part along with the positive part.
It requires a lot of creativity which can be executed and every next project needs to be different and out of the box. If a person is enthusiastic, talented and devoted, one can make the most of it and also experience new things.

With all these factors, blogging will soon enter in the list of the commonly heard professions.

Written by Radhika Shah
Living in the city of dreams to paint words

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