
Thursday 17 November 2016

Don't Follow The Latest Trend Blindly

Fashion should always be a mixture of comfort, style, and trend. Just following latest trends, to look cool and up to date doesn’t always works.

Everyone has a habit of taking an opinion from others before going out or getting ready for any function. Different person will recommend, different flavours as what should you wear. Advice can be like; in traditional wear you look elegant or western outfit gives a stunning look to you, this trend is ruling the world and you should also try it. Many similar opinions come your way once you ask for suggestions. Always keep in mind it’s good to take everyone's opinion but recommendations are perceptive of other according to them, so don’t follow them blindly.

No one knows about your comfort and discomfort more than you know about yourself.


Sometimes it is good to dress for yourself. Always stick to your own style and taste. Never think of others as what they will say if you wear this or that dress, rather focus on whether you are comfortable or not. Look good for yourself.


If someone is purchasing designer outfits and you also do the same, is not mandatory. Don’t always step into other's shoes. Just because designer clothes price is high we feel they are comfortable too, but it’s not always true. Sometimes go for a window shopping, surely you will find something according to your comfort.


Choose your comfort. Avoid following trends blindly. It only brings frustration and confusion. To match your latest apparel you will be lost in finding suitable accessories and footwear and will disappoint yourself if it looks horrible with that apparel. So, shop smartly.


Be sure in understanding your body type clearly because it will help you to choose the right fit for you. Don’t wear too loose or too tight clothes, adopt the proper fittings ones.


Don't always purchase something which is too trendy because others might have similar stuff too and if you also go wearing the same one, it goes in vain so avoid it.


When following the fashion trend keep in mind to choose the accessories accordingly. If not required, don’t wear too much of jewellery at a time. Keep it simple and light that can complement with your apparel well.


Coming to the footwear, not everyone is comfortable with high heels and you want to wear it because it is the latest trend. If you can’t walk properly with it, don’t even try it. Many different styles of cool and trendy footwear’s are available, pick up the one in which you feel free to walk or run.


Same applies with makeup as well, if you are not comfortable with heavy makeup, don’t do it. The latest trend of makeup is generally done by celebrities under the perfect supervision and it is not easy for the common person to adopt the same, so don’t focus on that. Do it according to your skin tones and shades that match easily with your dress.

Written by Tanisha Chitransh
A Diligent, Punctual and Self-Motivated Person who believes in having good interpersonal skills.

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