
Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Why should you take a Vacation, Now?

There’s no time as now to take a vacation. Vacation is a relaxing balm to your hard worked, worn out and restless soul. A life is all about work, earn and make something of yourself in this vast world of billions of faces and dwellers. There is no limit to run those shoes out but you have to make a priority if you want to just exist and be a face in thousand. Or you could be a face among hundreds but with a life fully enjoyed and well lived.

A vacation is the right and best choice to recreate our own self, let’s see how it works out in our best interests and how to make it so:

  • The right time to go for a vacation couldn’t be better than now. Do not wait for a day or a particular time to think it through, plan it minutely and go anal on the whole preparations. Make up your mind, set a decent itinerary and get the heck out of your house.                               
  • Vacations are supposed to be stress free and rejuvenate you, so, take full advantage of it. Lay down by the beach while savouring a fruity concoction with a tiny umbrella to best soothe your mood, body and soul.                                                                                                                       
  • Never take your work along with you on the vacation or you’ll ruin your whole idea of it. If it can’t be avoided set a time aside for your work only, to not let it affect your downtime.               
  • A body needs its rest and power back time. A vacation provides it with just that, a mind relaxing and body soothing experience to lax.                                                                                 
  • Make a bucket list. If you want to enjoy your free time more so, make a bucket list of what you would like to do and experience. Make your bucket list more fun by adding weird, crazy and fun things to make it an amazing and memorable time.                                                                  
  • While on a vacation visit random places and roam freely around the place to stumble upon unexpected things and nooks and corners. This way you could even get to experience something out of ordinary that you wouldn’t have otherwise.                                                         
  • Try out peculiar cuisines of the particular places to add taste in your life. It is a great treat for foodies as you get to enjoy lots of dishes to extend your taste buds deliciously and lavishly.        
  • While on vacation, always shop for local stuff to add a touch of distinctness and diversity to your wardrobe and to your taste.                                                                                                      
  • Strike out conversations. Visiting a place away from your home provides you an opportunity to meet up new and different people. You could even get to make friends where you don’t even know anyone. 

The time is now to sift through your wardrobe, pack a bag and fly off to a place with no strings attached.

Written by Anjali Tyagi
I am a hardcore reader and a story weaver with an affinity for words and to rhyme.

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