Last year around this time Bollywood witnessed one of its finest movies ‘Haider’ which got critically acclaimed as well as got huge box office success. This year again a much awaited movie ‘Talvar’ written by Vishal Bharadwaj and directed by Meghna Gulzar is all set to hit the theatres on 2nd October. Talvar movie has been already screened at the Toronto Film Festival and made huge waves of appreciation for the movie and the Indian Film Industry. Today we got a chance to attend the screening and here is our take on the movie.
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There is a famous quote which says that "A fact not known fully is a fact unknown completely", this movie will actually make you feel that this saying is so much correct. The plot of the story is inspired by some true events of a double murder case that happened in India some years back and the concerned aspects related to it. This movie has a league of seasoned actors which include Irrfan Khan, Konkona Sen Sharma, Tabu, Sohum Shah, Neeraj Kabi and this made the depiction of the characters in this movie so flawless that for some days you might remember these actors by the names of their characters in the movie.
The story revolves around how a tragic incident happens and the case is sensationalised by media and then the citizens of the country become so judgemental even without bothering about the facts or the details of the case. Forget about the external pressurizing factors but even from the judicial perspective, the case has to juggle between the three different teams of Police, Independent Crime Investigation department team1 and Crime Investigation department team 2. By looking at the minute details of the activities in between these teams one can realize that even bureaucracy and governing factors have such a major role in deciding the fate of a case and eventually the lives of some people. There are several perspectives shown on the same case and each one of them is so beautifully articulated that would make you feel that all of them are correct.
Irrfan Khan as usual is at his Best, he has carried on the role of an Investigating Officer who is so casual personally but at the same time a Brilliant and Acute observer of even minute things which is required for his profession. Surprisingly the movie has various elements of humour which are kept at regular intervals during the intense moments which breaks the monotony of the investigator inside you as well and keeps you interested till the end.
Overall we can say that after a long time we watched some intelligent and engaging stuff. Also if some people think that it’s a dark film then you are completely wrong as it is indeed a movie which enlightens a very crucial, powerful and important message to the society and nation as a whole along with required ingredients of entertainment. This movie is surely bound to not only change the way you look at external facts but also force you to do a deep Introspection.
You can also check out the official trailer of the movie at the below links:
It’s a must watch!