
Wednesday 10 August 2016

How to deal your children when they are adolescents?

The age of adolescence is quite different and it is difficult for the parents to deal with their children at this stage. The adolescents are not so mature at this stage but it is true that they are not too small that they do not understand anything. They understand the problems but are not capable of making right decisions. They may make wrong decisions to the extent that can spoil their whole life.

At this stage of life, parents need to be very careful and supportive towards their child. Parents are the one who give birth to the child so it is their responsibility to give right direction to their child’s life, to support them when they are right. Parents must never be too busy to not be able to focus on their child, their problems, and their activities. They need to maintain friendly behaviour with their child so that they never hesitate to share their problems with them.

At this stage, most adolescents want to enjoy their life and in doing this they may harm people. For instance, most of the adolescents do the rash driving and are involved in accident cases. As a result, they physically harm themselves and others. Here, parents need that they sit with their children and make them realize the importance of their life and also the other persons’ life whom they may affect due to their thrill. If adolescents are treated very harshly or strictly by their parents, it will affect adversely to their relation. They may not want to share their problems with their parents if they are harsh as the adolescents think they will not understand them. Parents must try to understand their children before jumping to conclusions. If the adolescents break rules then parents do not need to be harsh and scold their child but they need to make them understand the importance of rules, why they have been made and overall they are made for discipline and also for the protection of people in the society. If proper guidance is not given to the children at this age, they may go in a wrong way which may harm the reputation of parents and also the career or maybe the whole life of children.

Parents must not give too much freedom to their child, it will surely take them the wrong way. There is a limit of everything. Parents need to understand that to what extent their child needs freedom and how much mature their children are. Each and every child is different and also the circumstances before them are different, even siblings are different, so they need to understand the situation and take decisions for their child according to their situation.

Dealing with children properly can make them a responsible person and improper dealing can ruin their entire life. So, parents need to be very patient and careful while dealing with their child at this stage of life.

Written by Prerna Garg
I am from Khurja, have completed my secondary education and now pursuing B.B.A. from Bulandshahr. I have a special interest in writing.

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