
Thursday, 24 November 2016

The most powerful female character in Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is a show dominated by a lot of things:  shocking relationships, deceit, murder, battle, wine, girls, men, naked girls and a lot of other things that would shock the daylights out of the Indian censor boards mind. With a show that until the Sixth season was not so favourable towards women, has now completely changed tracks with all the female characters holding power in different sections of Westeros. Thus a very important question arises, who is the most powerful female character on Game of Thrones right now?

My opinion, which you have the complete freedom to disagree with is that the title of the most powerful woman on the show is the woman with many titles. Daenerys Targaryen, Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms , Protector of the Realm, and Breaker of Chains are just a few names that she is addressed by.

This woman has shown tremendous character growth from the first season where she was a meek little girl who listened to whatever her brother said right up to the sixth season where she is storming up to claim the Iron Throne.

There have been many pitfalls for her along the way but she has always managed to get past them. Let it be the men who did not believe her, or the people who enslaved her. She has always managed to show them that she is one of the most powerful players in the game and is not someone to be messed with.

In fact, she is someone who has used the fact that she is a beautiful woman to her complete advantage. She has played dumb whenever it has suited her purpose and has then inevitably managed to shock people who bought into her act.

Currenty, as we wait for season seven to come out, she is someone with the biggest armies and who is definitely a strong contender for the Iron Throne. All hail Queen Khaleesi and her dragons, I’m placing all my hopes on her.

If you do not agree with my choice of the most powerful woman, who do you think is the most powerful female in the world of Westeros?

Written by Sanaa Mehra
Avid reader who will read anything thrown her way (provided that its fiction), Grammar Nazi to the T and a Lover of anything made by Bollywood (I mean anything.) If you're feeling sentimental, here I am!

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