
Thursday 1 December 2016

Insanely Helpful Workout Tips For Gym Beginners

Gym for a beginner is an important thing as it will be the base for the path he/she will take to master their body for the next part. In this article, I will be pointing the mistakes that are made by a complete beginner and the things to concentrate so that you can get good results without wasting the time like most of the people do.

The mistakes-

1) Spending more time

Most of the beginners start without any proper plan thinking that the plans are for the professionals. This leads to them working everything in the gym without having proper knowledge of the machines or the exercises. Spending hours in the gym won’t give the results unless you are doing it properly with desired weights and repetitions (reps).

2) Compound exercises

As a beginner the first and foremost thing he/she should do is compound exercises because the body doesn’t know the exercises which are concentrated for specific parts (single parts). Hence doing the compound exercises will help to juggle the memory of all the body parts as to how they should move and will move like the same with more weight in coming days.

3) Eating healthy

Most of the beginners think that things they do in gym matters the most, but the truth is eating habits with proper timing intervals is what matters most. Doing exercises in the gym is just the 30% of work as rest 70% depends on how you eat and what you eat.

Things to concentrate on-

1) Having proper goal

Beginners are prone to do this as either they set the goals too high and don’t work for it or they don’t even have a goal and simply doing the workouts. Having a proper goal which includes you tracking the status everyday/week/month from which you can see the progress yourself. The goal should realistic and achievable depending on your capacity and mindset to achieve that goal within a certain period of time.

2) Daily gym routine

Having a proper time table for days of the weeks with the different exercises you have to do daily, this will ease the process and you can focus on improving the workouts and the weights. Most of the beginners will be wasting time doing everything that is available in the gym without knowing the purpose and methods of doing it.

3) What you eat

On a daily basis normal person doesn’t bother about the things he/she is eating. The beginner should be having a protein rich diet reducing the fat contents and depending on the fresh daily produces which you can acquire from the local market. It’s better to start cooking for yourself as it gives an idea of what you are going to eat and if you cook for yourself you will respect the food more than you used to, which will take care of wasting food.


Beginners should be concentrating proper goal which they want to achieve along with the addition of the healthy diet at proper timings. Be patient & consistent as it is not days but months of work which will be showing you the result you expected to see. It takes time and you have to make it as a daily routine like taking bath or eating food. When all these things come together in sync then only you can see the results by being consistent in doing the exercise or having a healthy meal.

Remember one thing you are doing this for yourself, not for someone else (maybe some do!) so you have to give it all that you have and work hard to see the results.

Written by Rajeev.K (austinrajiv)
I am a simple person with interest in riding bikes (with protective gears), music (rap & metal), writing (about things that i experience), photography, fitness, food (vegetarian), that's all !!  live and let live.

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